Thursday, October 20, 2016


For awhile now, I've been having panic attacks about the move. I wake up after having slept about 3 hours and lie there stressed, thinking about what has to be done between now and November 3rd. Because I can't actually go to sleep, I'm finding myself enjoying a few whiskey drinks to help me sleep. Not that I mind that, but drinking that much during the week isn't really my thing anymore. The reality is, there isn't that much to do, but I keep stressing about what can go wrong.

First, is the dog issue.
It's not a difficult process to import a dog. There's no quarantine or anything, but it is a time crunch. I have to get him certified healthy by a USDA vet. It may come as a shock to you, but there isn't a USDA certified vet in Orange Beach. So I have to go to Mobile. Then, Guatemala requires that the certification be....wait for it...certified again by the USDA office in Montgomery and then that certification has to go to the Guatemalan Consulate for yet another, you guessed it, certification. That's all fine and good except USDA vet certification has to happen within 10 days landing in country. So yeah, not sure if that's going to happen or not. Obviously, I'm FedExing, but Guatemalans tend to operate on their own time which has me stressed over whether the Consulate certification will get back to me in time. But, it will all be worth it when Steve and I are in the new apartment hanging out doing doggy and daddy stuff. I know, he's adorable. You don't even have to say it. 

I keep thinking I'm forgetting something. I wake up at night thinking I've forgotten to do something important. 

My condo still hasn't closed, and I am going insane. They have explained to me why, and I understand, but they don't seem to get that I'm leaving the country. I've told them; they know. But they don't seem to get that this can't continue to drag on. It also prohibits me from doing some things I need to do, like arranging transportation in Antigua. My apartment is close to town, so I can walk, but that's not something that's realistic long term. Folks gotta buy groceries and all that. I'd like to go ahead and buy a car or a scooter so it will be waiting on me when I get there, but I can't because this damn condo hasn't closed. 

I keep thinking it's not going to close. I wake up at night in sweats wondering what I'll do if it doesn't. 

There's just so much to do. Things you don't even think about needing to do until you take this on. And I'm doing it alone which makes it all the more difficult. I can physically do it alone, but I don't always trust my decisions so I'd like to have somebody to bounce the every day crap off of. 

I keep thinking I've done the wrong thing. I wake up at night wondering when this entire venture is going to explode in my face. 

I really hope everything goes smoothly. 


  1. Hang in there. There will be good days and bad...but you ain't billing ain't arguing discovery motions...and all those years of BS have prepared you to deal with this...just have a bourbon before you go to bed...hug the dog and stay confident in the fact that you won't be around too many Trump supporters down there. :)

  2. Don't panic. This will all be over with soon and you can enjoy the finer things in life that you strived for, earned, and created. Can't wait to read more about your successes.

    -Jeremy Martin

  3. You got this man! And yeah you right- that is a cute dog!
